Jay-Z Confident “The Throne” is Leak-Proof

August 8th, the date for the digital release of Jay-Z and Kanye West‘s highly anticipated collaboration is just a short distance away. With just one day to go, it appears the dynamic duo are on course to counteract the so-far consistent curse, of the album leak.

Both Hov and Yeezy have been victims of leaked L.Ps in the past. Jay in particular, has long been subjected to albums being exposed prior to their release. In 1999, his album ”Vol 3…Life and Times of S.Carter” was bootlegged. Jigga’s ”Blueprint” incurred the curse in 2001, while ”The Blueprint 3” was also revealed to the public before its official release date in 2009. Kanye’s ”Late Registration” and ”College Dropout” met similar fates.

According to MTV’s Rapfix, Jay-Z is confident that the West and Carter contingent have put adequate measures in place to stop ”Watch the Throne” falling foul to the affliction that has ravaged the release of so many albums in the past.

Hov stated; “We made this album, it took eight months. We should be able to release it the way we like without everyone being all up in arms.” With regard to the security of the album, Jigga acknowledged the danger posed by the internet when trying to release an album, he remarked; “We took great care to deliver this to the people without it leaking at all.”

In order to prevent leaking, the album’s digital and physical release dates were staggered. Jay-Z’s manager John Meneilly displayed a confident front to those who may be attempting to thwart the release of ”The Throne”, when he tweeted adamantly “It is not going to leak.”

So far, so good- Check out the trailer below:

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