Blu-Boy Urban Clothing Line Launched in Ireland

look-book-dopeIreland’s urban music scene is arguably now at it’s highest ever point, with huge interest in mainstream Hip-Hop, a thriving club scene and a stable of young Irish rappers finally beginning to receive the attention they deserve. However, on the periphery is where the true culture develops, where an interest in music turns into a lifestyle.

Style and clothing have long been a part of Hip-Hop culture, and it is against that background that we see Blu-Boy Clothing emerge, bravely typecasting themselves as a truly Irish and truly urban brand.

Having sampled some of the early designs, this writer can testify that the quality and fit of Blu-Boy’s threads are on par with, and indeed exceed much of, what is currently on the market. This is no low-key half-hearted brand. With fresh, unique designs and a strong commitment to the quality of materials, it is clear to see that this start-up will be making waves in the market very soon.

Rap Ireland will be posting new designs and testing new gear as it comes on the market and giving our full support to this new urban brand. Blu-Boy have a monthly draw for free stuff on their Facebook page, so get over there to

Also, check their website out on

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