Rob Kelly’s “The Real Thing” Continues to make Headlines…

Just over a week ago, the UK was reverberating to the sounds of Rob Kelly’s “The Real Thing” blasting through the airwaves, as BBC 1Xtra ran a worldwide exclusive on the Charlie Sloth show, marking a truly Irish production on the most Irish of days, the 17th March.

In the week that has past, the track has rarely been out of the spotlight, with numerous papers picking up on the “Salpa” namedrop and the Irish model herself being pegged for a video appearance. The track itself has been featured on any radio station worth it’s salt, with Spin 103.8 and Beat 102-104 pushing hard with the airplay.

Of course, the chorus is rocked by Rebecca Creighton of Belle Amie, who competed in last year’s X-Factor competition. However, the one thing that people are saying about this track is the heaviness of the beat, and the credit there goes to Irish breakbeat mastermind Adam Fogarty, who transformed part of an older Rob Kelly beat to create the seismic sonics of this beast.

In case you missed it, check out the BBC 1Xtra radio rip here. Big up Rob! is your #1 source for celebrity news, gigs, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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